We run our business responsibly,
as an investor and a corporation
Our ambition
mcp aims to run its business responsibly, considering the needs of all our stakeholders and contributing to climate change mitigation, as a corporation and an investor. We believe that a careful assessment of business and investment externalities and risks, including environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, can positively affect the performance of investment portfolios. Therefore, from its founding, mcp has incorporated sustainability considerations in its corporate decisions and investment process.
ESG screening
ESG integration
Portfolio company assessment
- All opportunities are reviewed against mcp’s high-risk industry list
- List is largely based on the World Bank’s
- Portfolio companies are run through RepRisk for high level risk assessment
- Mid- and low-risk companies are subject to enhanced DD
- Partner GPs are assessed through a proprietary scorecard
- Based on ILPA’s GP ESG DD Framework
Responsible investing
Our approach combines sustainability risk screening and integration. Given our focus on private equity secondaries, the due diligence phase is the most critical. All investment opportunities go through a standardized process that includes a sustainability risk assessment of portfolio companies and partner GPs. We also apply this approach post-investment, through quarterly and annual monitoring and report on our sustainability performance through quarterly reports and a dedicated annual sustainability report.
As a corporation, we believe our business is stronger when we are mindful of our impact on the planet, our stakeholders, and good governance.
To learn more about our approach please consult:
Environment: We seek to reduce our CO2 emissions and fully offset them through high-quality projects
Social: We are mindful of all our stakeholders, in particular investors and employees
Governance: We are regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA