Dr. Fredy Raas 

Dr. Fredy Raas is a member of the Board of Directors.

Fredy is a member of Montana Capital Partners AG’s Board of Directors and Managing Director of Otto Beisheim Holding, the private wealth organization of Prof. Otto Beisheim, founder of the Metro Group. Prior to that, Fredy was a member of the executive board in several business divisions of Metro AG (e.g. CFO of Metro Cash & Carry Germany) and managing director of various private equity investments of the Beisheim Group (e.g. Scout24). Fredy started his career with Siemens Management Consulting in Munich conducting restructuring in the fields of Med Tech and IT. Further, Fredy is a member of the board of a variety of companies in the finance and technology areas. Fredy holds a MSc and a Dr. oec. from the University of St. Gallen.